Pre-exercise Training
6:00-9:00pm July 30, 2024
Town Council Chambers at LAH Town Hall
Please join us for an upcoming CERT training exercise that will focus on getting Back to Basics for disaster response roles. A few of our very dedicated CERTS have been diligently working on creating a very thorough Back to Basics exercise focusing on our ARK activation process: from being activated through Nixle to a high-level overview of our CERT disaster response roles and tasks while at the ARK. This pre-exercise training is to prepare for a more in depth in-person exercise that will be taking place on August 10th at the ARK.
We will be going over the following:
- CERT activation process and procedures
- Group walk through to do a High-level review, tasks and forms involved in roles that CERT will be asked to take on at the ARK after they are activated
What to bring
- CERT PPE, including vest & CERT ID
Back to Basics Exercise
9:00am-1:00pm August 10, 2024
We will be going over the following scenario: Inclement Weather Event Activation
- Review CERT Activation Procedures and exercise response
- Review Key roles at the Ark (IC, Ops, Recon Lead, Check in, Medical, Planning/Scribe, Logistics, Staging) in groups
- Exercise key ark activation roles at command center
- Review incident reporting and task assignments
What to bring
- CERT PPE, including vest & CERT ID
We will have drinks and snacks available throughout the exercise.