Santa Clara County Fire Department (SCCFD) sends letters to property owners at the beginning of each year to notify them of their obligations, upcoming inspections, and the deadline for compliance. For property owners residing in the designated Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ), adherence to the regulations is imperative. Properties within the Town of Los Altos Hills, particularly those in the designated FHSZ, must uphold a defensible space of 30 feet around all structures, as stipulated in the Town of Los Altos Hills Municipal Code 4-2.116. Additional requirements are listed below.
Property owners in the unincorporated areas of the District must adhere to minimum fire-safe regulations, which entail compliance with either 30- or 100-foot defensible space requirements, contingent upon the property’s location. It’s worth noting that LAHCFD recommends all property owners, regardless of location, adopt the fire science-backed best practice of maintaining a defensible space of 100 feet.
Important Defensible Space Dates to Remember
For residents within the Town of Los Altos, please complete and return the property self-inspection card OR scan the QR Code on the letter to report the current status of your property by May 31st. Property owners in the unincorporated areas of the District must comply with the requirements listed in their letter by May 31st. All property owners must remain compliant throughout the fire season.
The following requirements are taken from Los Altos Hills Municipal Code.
- Create 30 feet of defensible space around the home. To accomplish this, you must clear all flammable vegetation and other combustible growth a minimum of 30 feet around structures.
- Remove the portion of any tree which extends within 10 feet of the outlet of any chimney.
- Maintain all trees adjacent to or overhanging any building. Trees must be free of dead wood.
- Remove pine needles, leaves, and other dead vegetation from roofs, eaves, and rain gutters.
- Remove flammable vegetation a minimum of 10 feet around liquefied petroleum gas tanks/containers.
- Remove all non-fire-resistive vegetation a minimum of 10 feet on each side of a fire apparatus access road or driveway.
- Cover chimney outlets or flues with a 1/2” mesh spark arrestor.
- Post a clearly visible house address, using at least 4” high numbers, for easy identification. For homes located more than 50 feet from the street, post address numbers at the driveway entrance.
- Store woodpiles a minimum of 30 feet from structures and clear 15 feet above all stored fuels (e.g. woodpiles, lumber, scrap, etc.)
What if I don’t comply with the requirements?
If a property owner is not compliant, they may be referred to the County Weed Abatement Program by the Santa Clara County Fire Department. Follow-up inspections are conducted, and if it is found that the property is out of compliance, property owners are notified. If no action is taken by the property owner, then the property may be added to the program. The property owner may be responsible for fees incurred if the County abates the hazards.
Visit Santa Clara County Fire Department
Resources for District Residents
LAHCFD is here to support your defensible space compliance efforts. Here are a few District programs that may assist you:
- Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) Assessment and Rebate program
- Defensible Space Brush Chipping and Debris Removal program
- Defensible Space Vegetation Removal Monthly Drop Off program
These are just three programs we offer our residents. For more information, visit our Programs page.