In light of California’s escalating wildfire risk, the state has enacted vital measures such as the California Fire Code, Building Code, and Health and Safety laws. Adherence to weed abatement standards, known as Minimum Fire Safety Standards, is mandatory for all property owners in the Los Altos Hills County Fire District. Additionally, those residing in designated Fire Hazard Severity Zones of the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) must meet defensible space requirements. The Santa Clara County Fire Department sends notifications to these property owners at the beginning of each year.
Please note that the deadlines for weed abatement and defensible space requirements may vary, but compliance is essential until the conclusion of the fire season, usually in October or November. At LAHCFD, our goal is to ensure compliance is straightforward, prioritizing the safety of our community against wildfires. This page offers valuable information and links to relevant agencies responsible for property inspections and enforcing weed abatement and defensible space regulations.