- Plants should be appropriate for climate zones and site microclimate conditions noted in site analysis (wind, shade, moisture).
- Plants should be appropriate for topography and soil types. Refer to the soil laboratory test or the soil infiltration and texture tests performed during the site survey. For any significant landscape installation, laboratory soils testing is strongly recommended.
- The plant list should include a wide variety of species and plant types. Plant diversity can create stable communities of complimentary plants with varying characteristics. A more diverse landscape has greater resistance to failure due to pests and disease.
- Choose plant groupings that share similar irrigation needs, then locate them together in areas called hydro-zones, where their similarity allows them to be watered with maximum efficiency.
- Plant selection should be considerate of the ultimate size of the plant when mature; trees especially. For example, do not choose tall species for planting under wires and lines.
- Plant list should include deer/pest resistant species to reduce the need for pesticides and other pest control measures. Should also include species that are known to attract beneficial insects, birds and other animals.
- Choose alternatives to high water-use turf grass and lawn.
Defensible Space and Hazardous Fuel Reduction (HFR)
Plant Resources
Plant Guide. Sustainable Landscape Management Santa Clara County
Native Trees of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties
Full Plant List- UC Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County
Native Plants of Santa Clara County for Wildlife- Santa Clara Valley Water District
Firesafe Council Marin